Saturday, October 12, 2013

eat local honey, improve your allergies

Hi, all! Today, I went to our local "Flea off Market." I have been dying to check it out for a while now and finally had the opportunity. This month a man was there with his local honey. I've heard some great things about the health benefits so I decided to give it a try. 

It is said that honey can help with your local allergies. Just about anyone in Louisville would look at that as a plus - it seems as if we are bombarded in just about every season with things to make our allergies go nuts. Finding a natural way to lessen the impact would be so much better than pumping our bodies full of over the counter allergy medicine. The idea behind the process is that honey of local bees will have the local pollen in it. By eating the honey, you should slowly build "immunity" to those allergens. 

I have personally never been a huge fan of the flavor you get from honey, but I've never really given it a fair chance to win my affection. However, between the benefits of replacing sugar and artificial sweeteners with honey and the chance to lessen the impact of my allergies it's hard not to give it a try. 

I am not entirely sure what the best ways to incorporate it into my diet will be. I am thinking of using it as a spread on bagels or toast and as sweetener in my coffee. Sounds like it's time to hit up Pinterest for some more inspiration. Be sure to comment below with any tips you guys have!


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